The Financial Toll of Alzheimer’s Care: Understanding the Costs

Happy 11th-Year Anniversary Beverly Jervis!

Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is not only emotionally and physically challenging but also financially draining. From medical expenses and long-term care costs to caregiver expenses, the financial toll of Alzheimer’s care can be overwhelming for families. However, with careful planning, utilization of available resources, and support from community organizations, families can navigate the financial challenges more effectively.

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What is The Best Way to Care for Someone with Alzheimer’s?

For those providing care to someone with Alzheimer’s, it can be a journey filled with hills and valleys.  For some it can seem that each day presents a new set of challenges and changes in the person’s symptoms and behaviors.  Alzheimer’s disease causes the person to slowly require assistance and guidance with most or all of his or her activities of daily living (ADL’s) such as, cooking, dressing appropriately for the weather, bathing, personally hygiene care, medication reminders, etc. 

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Why Do People With Dementia Repeat Themselves?


Home Care Services, Melville, NY Dementia is a term used to describe a cognitive impairment.  Dementia can cause a variety of symptoms including short-term memory loss, poor judgment, loss of language and verbal skills, and confusion with time and/or place. There are many forms of dementia including vascular dementia, Lewy Body dementia, frontotemporal, and Alzheimer’s…

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Managing Sundown Syndrome

Sundown Syndrome is a phenomenon that causes a person with dementia to become anxious, agitated, restless, and moody in the late afternoon or early evening when the sun starts to go down.

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Communication Tips and Local Resources

Alzheimer’s Disease: Communication Tips and Local Resources September is World Alzheimer’s Month and one of the biggest challenges of the disease for those afflicted and for those that provide care is communication.  Alzheimer’s affects communication by causing the person to lose vocabulary, to forget the appropriate names of things and/or people, to lose the ability…

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Alzheimer’s Disease: Early Signs and What to do Next

What Are the Early Signs of Alzheimer’s and What to Do? Alzheimer’s disease has a way of making itself known in very subtle ways.  Family members are often the first to notice when something seems off.  Whether it’s the person’s short-term memory loss or mood changes, there are many ways that the signs of Alzheimer’s…

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