Celebrating Older Americans Month: Powered by Connection

The Importance of Connection: As we celebrate Older Americans Month and reflect on the theme “Powered by Connection,” we are reminded of the profound impact that human relationships have on the lives of seniors.

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The Talk: How to Introduce Outside Help to Your Aging Parents


Introducing the topic of help at home to aging parents can be challenging for adult children. Many older adults find the idea of having a stranger coming into their home to be very distressing.  There are many reasons why older adults are apprehensive including the trust factor, the fear that bringing in help would mean…

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Caring for a Loved One with Dementia: 6 Practical Tips


Home Care Agency, Long Island: Whether your loved has been newly diagnosed or has been afflicted with dementia for many years, there is one thing that remains the same; each day is unpredictable.  Family members often say, ‘what worked yesterday no longer works today’.  Dementia affects each individual differently and while there are many common…

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