How Much Are You Really Able to Help Your Elderly Loved One?


Home Care in Dix Hills NY: How Much Are You Really Able to Help Your Elderly Loved One?

Family caregivers can’t always do everything that they might want to in order to provide the best care possible for their elderly loved one. There are even some situations that might make you feel guilty for not being able to do more. Understanding that there are other options, such as hiring home care providers, can help to alleviate some of the guilt you might feel.

If You Live Far Away from Your Loved One

Being a long-distance family caregiver isn’t an easy task. You don’t necessarily have an easy way to see your loved one every day, depending on how far away you live from her. Hiring home care providers can give you some peace of mind, as can working with other family members who live closer to her in order to provide hands-on care.

If You Have Other Responsibilities

There are a variety of different responsibilities that you might have, ranging from your own career to your immediate family responsibilities, which can take up your time and your energy. That can seriously limit how much you’re able to do for your elderly loved one. Finding other solutions may be your best option for helping her.

If You Have Your Own Health Issues

Having your own serious health issues can take a toll on you as well. That can leave you without the physical and emotional resources that you need in order to manage your elderly loved one’s care the way that you’d like to do. If you have other family members who can pitch in or help out in other ways, that division of labor can work out for everyone.

If There Are Emotional Barriers

Sometimes your relationship with your elderly loved one is a complicated one. Perhaps it wasn’t always the best relationship and you’re not sure how to fix it now, with her health failing or other issues taking precedence. Caregiving adds a deeper dimension to those issues, sometimes even magnifying them and making them worse.

It’s vital that you learn where your boundaries are so that you can prepare both yourself and your elderly loved one.

If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Dix Hills, NY, please contact the caring staff at Family First Home Companions. Serving all of Long Island. Call today: (631) 319-3961

Jennifer Benjamin
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